What I have come to learn over years of working on my morning routines is that the best morning routines are ones that align with what’s most important to YOU. At the current point in your life. It’s important to establish a healthy morning ritual, as it sets the tone for your day. It also helps re-energize, builds focus and eliminates stress caused by the chaotic morning rush. But somebody’s else’s routine is not necessarily what’s right for you!
Ready to build your own morning ritual?
What Makes Up an Effective Morning Ritual?
- Set the tone for rest of the day (e.g. ten minutes of meditation or gratitude).
- Check off a value that’s important to you (e.g. exercising, if health is one of your values).
- Do something that makes you happy or enriches you (e.g. journaling or reading)
- Any combination of the above three.
My Morning Routine
In my own life, my four important values are spiritual, family, health and personal growth. So most days, here’s what my morning looks like:
- Wake up before 6 am and drink a glass of lemon water.
- Meditate and stretch for ten to fifteen minutes.
- Have a cup of tea in balcony with family.
- Exercise for 30 to 40 minutes.
- Have healthy breakfast and read an enriching article or book (not news) before starting work.
Your morning routine, much like any, should combine what’s important to you. It should be enjoyable, make you happier, and give you something to look forward to.
Shagun, Yoga Superfuel
PS: I love exciting healthy breakfast options to kickstart my day! Including cookies with a smoothie! And yes all Yoga Superfuel cookies are Vegan, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free. And yes Guilt Free too.